Sunday, October 29, 2023

Renting May be Less Expensive

According to the latest data from Redfin, a real estate company, there are only four major U.S. metro areas where it is cheaper to buy a home than to rent1. These are:

  • Detroit, MI
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Houston, TX

In these cities, the typical home has an estimated monthly mortgage cost lower than its estimated monthly rental cost. For example, in Detroit, the median estimated monthly mortgage payment for homebuyers is $1,296, compared with a median estimated monthly rent of $1,6971.

On the other hand, there are many cities where renting is much more affordable than buying a home. The top 10 metros where renting is cheaper than buying are2:

  • Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown, TX
  • San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA
  • Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA
  • New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA
  • Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH
  • Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA
  • San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA
  • Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
  • Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO
  • Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA

In these cities, the monthly payments for starter homes are much higher than rents. For instance, in Austin, renting costs $2,013 less per month than buying, with renting 121% cheaper than buying3.

The main factors that affect the costs and benefits of renting and buying a home are the home prices, the mortgage rates, the property taxes, the maintenance costs, the rent prices, and the length of stay. Depending on your situation and preferences, you may find renting or buying more suitable for your needs. You can use online calculators or consult with real estate agents to compare the costs and benefits of renting and buying a home in different U.S. cities.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Goldfish Memory

The phrase "goldfish memory" is a colloquial term used to describe someone's or something's purportedly short or poor memory, often implying that it is comparable to that of a goldfish. The idea behind this phrase is the belief that goldfish have a very brief memory span and quickly forget things, sometimes within a matter of seconds.

However, the concept of goldfish having extremely short memories is largely a myth and a misunderstanding of their cognitive abilities. While goldfish do not have the same type of memory as humans or other animals, research has shown that they are capable of retaining information for more than a few seconds.

Studies have demonstrated that goldfish can remember and learn from past experiences, recognize their owners, and even navigate mazes. Their memory span may be closer to a few months rather than mere seconds. Goldfish are also known to have spatial memory, allowing them to remember the layout of their environment.

So, the notion that goldfish have exceptionally short memories is not scientifically accurate. While their memory may not be as complex as that of some other animals, they are capable of retaining and using information to some extent. The term "goldfish memory" is often used humorously or metaphorically to describe human forgetfulness rather than reflecting the actual memory abilities of goldfish.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Competive Salary

 A "competitive salary" refers to a compensation package offered by an employer that is in line with or compares favorably to the salaries or wages paid for similar positions in the same industry, region, and job market. In other words, a competitive salary is one that is on par with what other employers are offering for similar roles and responsibilities.

Employers often aim to offer competitive salaries to attract and retain talented employees. When a salary is considered competitive, it is typically seen as fair and attractive to potential candidates, and it helps the employer remain competitive in the labor market. Competitive salaries can vary widely depending on factors such as the industry, location, level of experience, and the specific demands of the job.

To determine what constitutes a competitive salary for a particular position, employers often conduct market research to understand the prevailing compensation rates for similar roles in their industry and geographic area. This research helps them establish salary ranges that are competitive and reflective of the current job market conditions.

Candidates, on the other hand, may also conduct research to assess whether a job offer includes a competitive salary. They may compare the offer to industry benchmarks and the cost of living in the area to determine whether it meets their financial expectations and requirements.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Investing in Yourself

Investing in Yourself: The Path to Personal Growth and Success

In a world where investments often conjure images of stocks, bonds, and real estate, one of the most overlooked and undervalued investments is the one you can make in yourself. While financial investments are undoubtedly important, investing in your own personal growth and development can yield the highest returns. In this article, we will explore the concept of investing in yourself, why it is crucial for personal and professional success, and how to go about it.

Understanding the Concept of Self-Investment

Investing in yourself means dedicating time, effort, and resources to enhance your knowledge, skills, well-being, and overall quality of life. This investment encompasses various aspects of your life, including education, physical and mental health, emotional intelligence, and personal and professional development. The fundamental idea is that by continuously improving yourself, you can unlock your full potential, achieve your goals, and lead a more fulfilling life.

The Benefits of Self-Investment

1. **Enhanced Skills and Knowledge:** One of the most immediate and tangible benefits of investing in yourself is the acquisition of new skills and knowledge. Whether it's learning a new language, acquiring a certification, or mastering a new hobby, continuous learning keeps your mind sharp and adaptable.

2. **Career Advancement:** Self-investment often translates into career growth and increased earning potential. By improving your skills and knowledge, you become a more valuable asset to your employer or clients, which can lead to promotions, salary raises, and new opportunities.

3. **Increased Confidence:** As you invest in yourself and achieve personal milestones, your self-confidence grows. This newfound confidence can help you tackle challenges, overcome obstacles, and take calculated risks in your personal and professional life.

4. **Improved Health and Well-Being:** Self-investment includes taking care of your physical and mental health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, meditation, and mindfulness practices contribute to improved well-being, increased energy, and a higher quality of life.

5. **Adaptability and Resilience:** In today's rapidly changing world, adaptability and resilience are essential traits. Investing in your personal growth equips you with the tools to navigate change, handle stress, and bounce back from setbacks more effectively.

6. **Increased Creativity and Innovation:** Self-investment often involves exposing yourself to new ideas, cultures, and experiences. This broader perspective can stimulate creativity and innovation in both your personal and professional endeavors.

7. **Enhanced Relationships:** Personal development and emotional intelligence training can lead to improved interpersonal relationships. Understanding your own emotions and those of others can lead to healthier and more fulfilling connections with friends, family, and colleagues.

How to Invest in Yourself

Let's explore how to invest in yourself. Now that we understand the importance of self-investment, let's explore practical ways to make it happen:

1. **Set Clear Goals:** Begin by setting clear and achievable personal and professional goals. These goals will serve as a roadmap for your self-investment journey. Whether it's earning a degree, mastering a skill, or improving your health, well-defined goals provide direction and motivation.

2. **Prioritize Learning:** Embrace a lifelong learning mindset. Invest in books, courses, workshops, and online resources that align with your interests and goals. Learning can take many forms, from formal education to self-paced online courses and audiobooks.

3. **Time Management:** Efficiently managing your time is crucial. Create a schedule that allows for dedicated self-investment time each day or week. Consistency is key to making progress in your chosen areas of development.

4. **Financial Investment:** Allocate a portion of your income for self-investment. This can include tuition for courses, memberships to professional organizations, or purchasing tools and resources that facilitate your growth.

5. **Mental and Physical Health:** Prioritize your well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are foundational. Additionally, consider practices like meditation, mindfulness, and therapy to support your mental health.

6. **Expand Your Network:** Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you. Join professional networks, attend conferences, and seek mentors who can provide guidance and support on your journey.

7. **Take Risks and Embrace Failure:** Growth often involves taking risks and occasionally experiencing setbacks. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, and view failures as valuable learning experiences that contribute to your personal development.

8. **Reflect and Adjust:** Periodically assess your progress and adjust your strategies as needed. Are you making meaningful strides toward your goals? Are there areas where you need to refocus or seek additional support?

9. **Practice Self-Care:** Self-investment includes self-care. Take time for relaxation, hobbies, and activities that bring you joy and rejuvenation. A healthy work-life balance is essential for long-term personal growth.

10. **Seek Feedback:** Be open to feedback from trusted friends, mentors, or coaches. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your approach to self-investment.

Examples of Self-Investment

There are many ways we can invest in ourselves. Here are just a few ways that may inspire your journey to a better future. What you choose will depend on your interests and goals.

1. **Education:** Pursue formal education, take online courses, or attend workshops to enhance your knowledge and skills. Be sure to avoid going into debt when obtaining a formal education. This will be counterproductive.

2. **Health and Fitness:** Invest in your physical well-being through regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and regular health check-ups. A good way to exercise with with a large exercise ball and or a mini-rebounder.

3. **Personal Finance:** Learn about financial planning, budgeting, and investment strategies to secure your financial future. Some brokerage companies have a back office that has educational courses on how to invest. Many of these are free with your account. Check out different ones as some do charge and some are free.

4. **Entrepreneurship:** Develop entrepreneurial skills and launch a business or side hustle. Do a search on the internet for side hustles. It is recommended that you do not pay any site to start a side hustle that is beyond your scope. Personally, I will start reading up on the side hustle to learn as much as I can. Books are easily borrowed from the local library in many cities via e-books and audiobooks. Here is a resource for e-books and audiobooks where you can read or listen for free for the first 60 days. Scribed: Click HERE to read and listen to books.

5. **Travel and Cultural Exploration:** Traveling and immersing yourself in different cultures can broaden your horizons and increase your cultural competence.

6. **Emotional Intelligence:** Invest in emotional intelligence training and practices to improve your interpersonal relationships and communication skills.

7. **Mental Health:** Seek therapy or counseling to address mental health issues and improve your emotional well-being.

8. **Leadership Development:** If you're in a leadership role, invest in leadership training and coaching to become a more effective leader.

Investing in yourself is a lifelong journey that yields both immediate and long-term benefits. It empowers you to reach your full potential, achieve your goals, and lead a more fulfilling life. By setting clear goals, managing your time, prioritizing learning, and taking care of your physical and mental well-being, you can embark on a path of personal growth and self-discovery.

Remember that self-investment is not selfish; it is an essential step toward becoming the best version of yourself. As you continue to invest in your personal and professional development, you not only enrich your own life but also contribute positively to the lives of those around you and the broader community. Ultimately, the greatest asset you possess is yourself, and nurturing that asset can lead to a lifetime of growth, success, and personal fulfillment.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Saving $1.00 a day

The Power of a Dollar: How Saving Just $1 a Day Can Transform Your Financial Future

In a world dominated by flashy advertisements and the constant allure of consumerism, the idea of saving may seem like a daunting task. However, the truth is that you don't need to make grand sacrifices or radical lifestyle changes to build a substantial savings account. Saving just $1 a day might seem insignificant at first glance, but it can have a profound impact on your financial well-being over time. In this article, we will explore the magic of this seemingly small sum and how it can pave the way to financial security and freedom.

Consistency has power! Saving a dollar a day may not make you an instant millionaire, but it is a powerful exercise in financial discipline and consistency. In fact, it's the consistency of this habit that makes it so effective. The daily act of setting aside a small amount reinforces a crucial financial skill – saving regularly. Over time, this habit can snowball into significant savings.

Let's do the math. If you save $1 a day for a year, you will have $365. While this may not be a life-changing amount on its own, it's a foundation upon which you can build. Imagine if you continue this habit for five, ten, or twenty years – the results become increasingly impressive. It's the principle of compound interest at work, and it's a financial concept that can work in your favor when you consistently save, even in small amounts.

Compound interest has a mighty power. Albert Einstein once referred to compound interest as the "eighth wonder of the world." This powerful concept can turn your modest daily savings into a significant nest egg over time. Compound interest is the interest you earn not just on your initial deposit but on the interest you accumulate over time. In other words, your money starts making money for you.

Let's illustrate this with an example. If you save $1 a day for 20 years, assuming an average annual interest rate of 5%, you would have around $13,863. That's nearly 14 times your initial investment! This showcases the remarkable ability of compound interest to grow your savings exponentially, and it all starts with that daily dollar.

Saving $1 a day isn't just an abstract concept; it's a practical strategy that can help you achieve various financial goals.

1. Emergency Fund: One of the fundamental pillars of financial stability is having an emergency fund. By saving just $1 a day, you can quickly build an emergency fund that can cover unexpected expenses like medical bills, car repairs, or home repairs.

2. Retirement Savings: While $1 a day may seem minimal for retirement planning, it's an excellent way to start if you're young. Over several decades, this consistent saving can grow into a significant retirement nest egg, especially when coupled with employer contributions and investment returns.

3. Debt Reduction: Saving $1 a day can also be allocated towards paying off debt. Apply it to your highest interest-rate debts, and you'll see those balances decrease faster than you might expect.

4. Do you like small luxuries? On a more immediate level, saving a dollar a day can fund small indulgences like a weekly coffee, a monthly streaming subscription, or an annual vacation. This way, you can enjoy life's pleasures without straining your budget.

5. Do you want to get ahead at work or in life in general. Would you like to move to a job that requires more education? If you're interested in furthering your education or acquiring new skills, your daily dollar can help fund online courses or workshops.

6. Helping others is a gift that never stops giving. Your daily savings can also be a force for good. Over time, you can accumulate a meaningful sum to donate to causes you care about.

An easy way to save is to automate your savings. Have $7 dollars a week taken from your check and put in your savings. To make saving $1 a day even easier, consider automating the process. Most banks offer automated transfers, allowing you to move a dollar from your checking account to your savings account every day without having to think about it. This ensures that you never forget or skip a day, maintaining the consistency needed to harness the power of small, daily savings.

As your financial situation improves, you can consider increasing your daily savings rate. Gradually raising it to $2, $5, or more per day can accelerate your progress significantly. Remember, the key is consistency and discipline. Make it a part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth or having breakfast.

Another essential aspect of saving is tracking your progress. Keep a record of your daily savings or use budgeting apps to monitor your financial goals. Seeing your savings grow over time can be incredibly motivating and help you stay committed to your financial objectives.

While saving $1 a day is a simple concept, it's not always easy to implement. Life is full of unexpected expenses and financial challenges. Here are some strategies to help you overcome common obstacles.

1. Budgeting: Create a budget to gain better control over your finances. A well-structured budget can help you identify areas where you can cut back and allocate more to your savings.

2. Cut Back on Unnecessary Expenses: Evaluate your spending habits and eliminate unnecessary expenses. Redirect the money saved toward your daily savings goal.

3. Prioritize Saving: Treat your daily savings as a non-negotiable expense, just like your rent or mortgage. Make it a top priority.

4. Stay Committed: Remember why you started saving in the first place. Whether it's financial security, a dream vacation, or early retirement, stay focused on your goals.

Saving $1 a day may seem like a trivial endeavor, but it's a powerful tool for building financial security and achieving your goals. The consistency of this habit, coupled with the magic of compound interest, can transform your financial future. Whether you're looking to establish an emergency fund, save for retirement, or enjoy life's small luxuries guilt-free, the daily dollar can help you get there. So, start today, automate your savings, and watch as your financial stability and freedom grow, one dollar at a time.

Friday, September 29, 2023

National Veterans of Foreign Wars

National Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Day is a poignant occasion marked annually in the United States, paying tribute to the brave men and women who have served in the armed forces during times of conflict overseas. This day, observed on February 22nd, holds significant meaning as it acknowledges the dedication, sacrifices, and resilience of veterans who have defended the nation in foreign lands. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the history of VFW Day, explore the mission of the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization, examine the challenges faced by veterans, and highlight the ways in which society can actively support and honor those who have served.

National Veterans of Foreign Wars Day finds its roots in the long and storied history of the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization. The VFW itself was established in 1899, originally as the American Veterans of Foreign Service. The organization was founded by veterans of the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection, with the primary aim of providing camaraderie and support for those who had served overseas.

Over the years, the VFW has played a crucial role in advocating for veterans' rights, ensuring their well-being upon returning home, and fostering a sense of community among those who share the unique experience of serving in foreign lands. The designation of February 22nd as National Veterans of Foreign Wars Day is a testament to the commitment of the VFW to honor and remember the sacrifices made by its members.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars organization has a multifaceted mission that extends beyond the observance of a single day. At its core, the VFW is dedicated to advocating for the rights and benefits of veterans, ensuring that those who have served receive the support they deserve. This includes lobbying efforts to shape policies that impact veterans and active-duty military personnel

One of the hallmarks of the VFW is the sense of community and camaraderie it provides to veterans. The organization serves as a gathering place for veterans to share their experiences, find support, and connect with others who understand the unique challenges they face. This community aspect is vital for veterans transitioning from military service back into civilian life.

Recognizing the diverse needs of veterans, the VFW has implemented various support programs. These programs encompass areas such as mental health, education, employment assistance, and financial aid. By addressing the holistic well-being of veterans, the VFW strives to ensure that those who have served can lead fulfilling and productive lives after their military service.

One of the most significant challenges faced by veterans is the transition from military service to civilian life. The structured and disciplined environment of the military can be vastly different from the often unpredictable and dynamic nature of civilian life. Veterans may encounter difficulties in finding employment, accessing healthcare, and establishing a sense of purpose after leaving the military.

The toll of military service, especially in conflict zones, can have profound effects on mental health. Issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety are prevalent among veterans. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma surrounding mental health issues, making it challenging for veterans to seek the support they need.

Access to quality healthcare is a critical concern for veterans, particularly those with service-related injuries or conditions. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) plays a central role in providing healthcare services to eligible veterans, but challenges such as long wait times and resource limitations persist.

Securing employment post-military can be a daunting task for veterans. While military training equips individuals with valuable skills, translating those skills into the civilian job market can be challenging. Employers may not always fully understand or appreciate the unique qualifications and experiences that veterans bring to the workforce.

National Veterans of Foreign Wars Day serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges faced by veterans and the ongoing work of organizations like the VFW. It is a day for communities to come together, acknowledge the sacrifices made by veterans, and express gratitude for their service.

Individuals and communities can actively support veterans by contributing to and volunteering with organizations like the VFW. Whether through financial donations, participation in fundraising events, or volunteering time and skills, supporting veterans' organizations is a tangible way to make a positive impact.

Breaking the stigma surrounding mental health is crucial for supporting veterans facing psychological challenges. Communities can actively promote mental health awareness and provide resources for veterans to seek help without fear of judgment.

Businesses and industries can play a role in supporting veterans by implementing initiatives that facilitate their integration into the workforce. This may include mentorship programs, job fairs specifically for veterans, and initiatives that recognize and value the skills gained through military service.

Ensuring that veterans have access to education and training opportunities is vital for their long-term success. Scholarships, vocational training programs, and educational assistance can empower veterans to pursue new careers and contribute meaningfully to society.

Creating a welcoming and inclusive community for veterans is essential. This involves fostering an understanding of veterans' experiences and actively involving them in community activities. Local initiatives, such as veteran appreciation events and community outreach programs, can promote a sense of belonging for veterans.

National Veterans of Foreign Wars Day stands as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by the men and women who have served overseas. It is a day to honor their dedication, resilience, and commitment to defending the ideals that form the foundation of the nation. Beyond the observance of this day, the ongoing mission of organizations like the Veterans of Foreign Wars is to provide support, advocacy, and a sense of community for veterans facing the challenges of post-military life. As a society, our responsibility is not only to express gratitude on designated days but to actively work towards creating an environment that recognizes values, and supports the veterans who have served selflessly for the greater good. In doing so, we honor their service in a way that extends far beyond a single day of remembrance.

 According to the latest data from Redfin, a real estate company, there are only four major U.S. metro areas where it is cheaper to buy a home than to rent1. These are:

  • Detroit, MI
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Houston, TX

In these cities, the typical home has an estimated monthly mortgage cost lower than its estimated monthly rental cost. For example, in Detroit, the median estimated monthly mortgage payment for homebuyers is $1,296, compared with a median estimated monthly rent of $1,6971.

On the other hand, there are many cities where renting is much more affordable than buying a home. The top 10 metros where renting is cheaper than buying are2:

  • Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown, TX
  • San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA
  • Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA
  • New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA
  • Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH
  • Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA
  • San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA
  • Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
  • Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO
  • Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA

In these cities, the monthly payments for starter homes are much higher than rents. For instance, in Austin, renting costs $2,013 less per month than buying, with renting 121% cheaper than buying3.

The main factors that affect the costs and benefits of renting and buying a home are the home prices, the mortgage rates, the property taxes, the maintenance costs, the rent prices, and the length of stay. Depending on your situation and preferences, you may find renting or buying more suitable for your needs. You can use online calculators or consult with real estate agents to compare the costs and benefits of renting and buying a home in different U.S. cities.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Book of Ester

The Book of Esther: A Story of Courage and Faith

The book of Esther is one of the most fascinating and inspiring stories in the Bible. It tells the story of how a young Jewish woman named Esther became the queen of Persia and saved her people from a plot to destroy them. The book of Esther shows how God works in mysterious ways to protect and deliver his people, even when they are in exile and under threat.

The Book of Esther is set in the fifth century BCE, during the reign of King Ahasuerus (also known as Xerxes I) of Persia. The Persian Empire was the largest and most powerful empire in the world at that time, stretching from India to Ethiopia. The Jews were among the many people who lived under Persian rule after they had been conquered by Babylon and taken into captivity.

The book of Esther begins with a lavish banquet that King Ahasuerus throws for his nobles and officials in his palace in Susa, the capital city of Persia. The king also invites his queen, Vashti, to display her beauty before the guests, but she refuses to come. The king is enraged by her disobedience and decides to depose her and look for a new queen.

Meanwhile, in Susa, there is a Jewish man named Mordecai, who is a cousin and guardian of a young orphan girl named Hadassah. Hadassah is also known as Esther, which means "star" in Persian. Mordecai advises Esther to hide her Jewish identity when she is taken to the king's harem along with many other beautiful young women. After a year of preparation and beauty treatments, Esther is chosen by the king to be his new queen. He is captivated by her beauty and grace and gives her a royal crown and a banquet in her honor.

One day, Mordecai overhears two of the king's guards plotting to assassinate him. He informs Esther, who reports it to the king in Mordecai's name. The king has the conspirators executed and records Mordecai's deed in his official chronicles.

Soon after, the king appoints a new prime minister, Haman, who is an Agagite, a descendant of the Amalekites, the ancient enemies of Israel. Haman is arrogant and power-hungry and demands that everyone bow down to him as he passes by. Mordecai refuses to do so, because he is a Jew who worships only God. Haman is furious and decides to take revenge not only on Mordecai but on all the Jews in the empire. He persuades the king to issue a decree that on a certain day, all the Jews will be killed and their property will be plundered. The date is determined by casting lots (purim in Hebrew), which falls on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, Adar.

When Mordecai learns of the decree, he tears his clothes and puts on sackcloth and ashes as a sign of mourning. He also sends a copy of the decree to Esther and urges her to plead with the king for her people's lives. Esther is afraid to approach the king without being summoned because anyone who does so risks being put to death unless the king extends his golden scepter. She also reveals to Mordecai that she has not seen the king for thirty days, which means that he may have lost interest in her.

Mordecai responds with these famous words: "Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:13-14).

Esther agrees to go to the king but asks Mordecai to gather all the Jews in Susa and fast for three days and nights with her and her maids. She says: "When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish." (Esther 4:16).

On the third day, Esther puts on her royal robes and enters the inner court of the palace, where the king is sitting on his throne. When he sees her, he is pleased and extends his golden scepter to her. He asks her what she wants and promises to give her up to half his kingdom. Esther invites him and Haman to a banquet that she has prepared for them.

At the banquet, the king repeats his offer and asks Esther what her request is. Esther replies that she will reveal it at another banquet that she will prepare for them tomorrow.

That night, Haman is filled with pride and joy at being honored by the queen. However, as he passes by the king's gate, he sees Mordecai, who does not bow down to him or show him any respect. Haman is enraged and decides to kill Mordecai as soon as possible. He builds a gallows fifty cubits high (about 75 feet) in his own courtyard and plans to ask the king in the morning to hang Mordecai on it.

That same night, the king cannot sleep and orders the book of the chronicles to be read to him. He discovers that Mordecai had saved his life by exposing the assassination plot, but had not been rewarded for it. He asks if there is anyone in the court who can advise him on how to honor Mordecai. At that moment, Haman arrives to ask for Mordecai's execution. The king asks him what should be done for the man whom the king wishes to honor. Haman, thinking that the king means him, suggests that the man should be dressed in royal robes and a crown, mounted on a horse that the king has ridden, and led through the city by a noble official, proclaiming: "This is what is done for the man whom the king wishes to honor." (Esther 6:9).

The king agrees and tells Haman to do so for Mordecai. Haman is humiliated and has no choice but to obey. He leads Mordecai through the city, while Mordecai's enemies watch in dismay.

Haman returns home in shame and tells his wife and friends what has happened. They warn him that he will surely fall before Mordecai, who is of Jewish origin. As they are speaking, the king's eunuchs arrive to take Haman to the second banquet that Esther has prepared.

At the banquet, the king again asks Esther what her request is. Esther finally reveals her identity and her plea: "If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life—this is my petition. And spare my people—this is my request. For I and my people have been sold to be destroyed, killed, and annihilated. If we had merely been sold as male and female slaves, I would have kept quiet, because no such distress would justify disturbing the king." (Esther 7:3-4).

The king is shocked and angry and asks who is responsible for this wicked scheme. Esther points to Haman and says: "An adversary and enemy! This vile Haman!" (Esther 7:6).

The king rises from his seat in fury and goes out into the garden. Haman falls on the couch where Esther is reclining and begs for his life. The king returns and sees this and thinks that Haman is trying to assault Esther. He orders him to be hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai.

The king then gives Esther Haman's estate and appoints Mordecai as his new prime minister. He also allows Esther and Mordecai to issue a new decree in his name, giving the Jews the right to defend themselves against their enemies on the day that they were supposed to be killed. The Jews rejoice and celebrate their victory over their foes. They also established the feast of Purim as an annual commemoration of their deliverance.

The book of Esther ends with a praise of Mordecai's greatness and a summary of his achievements for his people and for the king.

The Book of Esther is a remarkable story of courage and faith in the face of danger and oppression. It shows how God can use ordinary people in extraordinary ways to accomplish his purposes. It also teaches us some important lessons about how we should live as God's people in a hostile world.

Some of these lessons are:

- We should trust God's providence even when we do not see his hand or hear his voice. God may seem absent or silent in our lives, but he is always working behind the scenes to fulfill his plans and promises.

- We should be loyal to God and his people even when it is risky or costly. Esther risked her life to save her people from destruction. Mordecai refused to compromise his faith or bow down to anyone but God.

- We should use our gifts and opportunities wisely for God's glory and our neighbor's good. Esther used her beauty and influence to plead for her people's lives. Mordecai used his wisdom and position to protect his people from harm.

- We should celebrate God's goodness and grace with joy and gratitude. The Jews celebrated their deliverance with feasting and giving gifts to each other. They also remembered God's faithfulness by instituting the feast of Purim.

The Book of Esther is a story of hope and triumph for God's people in every generation. It reminds us that no matter how dark or difficult our circumstances may be, God is still in control and he will never forsake us.

(1) Esther Summary - Bible Hub.

(2) Book of Esther | Summary & Facts | Britannica.

(3) Summary of Esther - Enter the Bible.

(4) Book of Esther - Wikipedia.

(5) Esther - Bible Book Chapters and Summary - Christianity.

Monday, September 25, 2023


Mothman: Unraveling the Enigma of a Cryptid Legend

Deep in the annals of cryptid lore, one mysterious entity has captured the imagination and fear of countless individuals over the years: the Mothman. This enigmatic creature, described as a towering humanoid figure with massive wings and blazing red eyes, has left an indelible mark on the world of the unexplained. From its first sightings in the 1960s to the enduring tales that continue to emerge today, the legend of the Mothman beckons us to venture into the shadows of uncertainty. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the origins, sightings, theories, and cultural impact of the Mothman, as we seek to understand the phenomenon that continues to defy explanation.

The Birth of Mothman

The Mothman legend began its haunting journey in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, during the tumultuous years of the 1960s. The earliest reported sighting occurred in November 1966 when five grave diggers claimed to have encountered a bizarre creature while working in a local cemetery. Their descriptions of the entity varied, but a common theme emerged: a tall, shadowy figure with wings and glowing red eyes. One witness famously likened it to "a man with wings" or "a Mothman."

As news of this peculiar encounter spread, Point Pleasant became a focal point for a series of increasingly bizarre and unsettling sightings. Residents and visitors alike reported encounters with the Mothman, often accompanied by strange electrical disturbances and eerie, unidentifiable noises. The town was enveloped in a palpable sense of dread as these reports multiplied.

The Mothman Chronicles

Descriptions of the Mothman have remained remarkably consistent over the years, despite the diversity of eyewitnesses. Typically, the creature is depicted as standing at least seven feet tall, with powerful, bat-like wings that span ten feet or more. Witnesses frequently describe its body as covered in gray or brownish fur, though the texture and coloration may vary. However, it is the Mothman's most chilling feature—the piercing, glowing red eyes—that leaves an indelible mark on those who dare to look into them.

The Mothman is known for its exceptional speed and agility, often vanishing into the darkness before witnesses can fully comprehend what they are seeing. Some accounts suggest that it emits a high-pitched, screeching sound, further heightening the atmosphere of terror. Despite numerous reported sightings, capturing photographic or video evidence of the Mothman has proven to be an elusive and frustrating endeavor.

Theories and Explanations

The Mothman phenomenon has spurred a myriad of theories and explanations, ranging from the rational to the paranormal. Skeptics often dismiss the sightings as hoaxes or misidentifications of mundane creatures, such as large owls or sandhill cranes. However, the sheer volume of credible eyewitness accounts makes it difficult to dismiss the phenomenon entirely.

One compelling theory links the Mothman to extraterrestrial activity and UFOs. Proponents of this idea suggest that the creature is an alien entity, possibly sent to observe or warn humanity about impending disasters. The correlation between Mothman sightings and reports of unidentified flying objects in the same areas lends credence to this theory.

Another hypothesis proposes that the Mothman is a supernatural or interdimensional being. Believers argue that the creature exists on the periphery of our reality, appearing briefly and vanishing mysteriously. Such entities are often associated with paranormal phenomena, which could explain the strange occurrences reported in conjunction with Mothman sightings.

A theory that has gained considerable traction is the notion that the Mothman is a cryptid, a previously undocumented species of animal. While this concept may seem far-fetched, it is important to remember that vast stretches of our planet remain unexplored, harboring mysteries yet to be uncovered. Cryptozoologists posit that the Mothman may be a relic from prehistoric times or an evolutionary anomaly that has managed to elude scientific detection.

Psychological explanations have also been offered to account for Mothman sightings. Some researchers suggest that the collective fear and anxiety prevalent in Point Pleasant during the late 1960s may have triggered mass hallucinations or shared delusions. Under extreme stress, the human mind can play tricks, causing individuals to perceive what they most fear.

The Mothman's Legacy

The Mothman's influence reaches far beyond its initial sightings in the 1960s. The legend has become a cultural phenomenon, inspiring a wide array of books, documentaries, and even a Hollywood film, "The Mothman Prophecies," starring Richard Gere. Point Pleasant, West Virginia, has embraced its cryptid resident, hosting an annual Mothman Festival that draws enthusiasts from around the globe.

Furthermore, the Mothman has left an indelible mark on the world of cryptids and urban legends, serving as a source of inspiration for writers, artists, and creators across various media. Its ability to tap into the primal fear of the unknown ensures that it will continue to be a fixture in the realm of the unexplained for generations to come.

Real or Imagined

The Mothman, whether real or imagined, represents more than just a cryptid; it embodies the enduring mysteries that persist at the fringes of our understanding. Whether you perceive it as a harbinger of doom, a messenger from another realm, or a product of collective imagination, the Mothman continues to intrigue and terrify those who dare to explore the unknown. As long as unexplained phenomena persist and our curiosity for the mysterious remains undiminished, the legend of the Mothman will endure, a testament to the enigmatic nature of our world and the depths of our imagination. In the shadowy realm of the Mothman, the boundaries of what we know and what remains hidden blur, leaving us to ponder the limitless mysteries that await beyond.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Born Trump


Born Trump: Inside America's First Family 

 Click Born Trump to start listening today!

Or you can read or listen on Scribd

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Who is Donald J. Trump? To truly understand America’s 45th president, argues Vanity Fair journalist Emily Jane Fox, you must know his children, whose own stories provide the key to unlocking what makes him tick. Born Trump is Fox’s dishy, deeply reported, and richly detailed look at Trump’s five children (and equally powerful son-in-law, Jared Kushner), exploring their lives, their roles in the campaign and administration, and their dramatic and often fraught relationships with their father and with one another.

Thursday, August 18, 2022



Fractured Hope

 Click HERE to purchase.

One fateful morning in 2015, Rachel had no idea that her life would be forever changed. She would soon find herself at the center of a criminal investigation. False allegations were made about her character. She was threatened with the possibility of jail and, ultimately, the loss of both her sons to the Foster Care system due to allegations of child abuse.

Click HERE to purchase

Wednesday, August 17, 2022



Founded in 1994, National Fatherhood Initiative® is the nation's leading provider of research on father presence and father involvement, research and evidence-based fatherhood programs and resources, staff training, and father-engagement planning services for human service organizations and practitioners.

{ Our Mission }

National Fatherhood Initiative® works to increase father involvement by equipping communities and human service organizations with the father-engagement training, programs, and resources they need to be father-inclusive.

{ Our Vision }

Our vision is that all communities and human service organizations are proactively father-inclusive so that every child has an involved, responsible, and committed father in their lives.

Click HERE to learn more

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Time and Money

Life is about choices. Life is about what path you choose to take in life. Each path has a different result. What choices do you make regarding time and money? Do you have regrets about how you handled either one? Do you need a mentor to help you with your time and money? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? It is not always easy to make the right decisions. It is not always easy unless you have a mentor to answer to regarding your decisions. Tony Dungy who led the COLTS to a Superbowl says that everyone needs to have a mentor in their life. I have been around this world for 75 years and I full agree with Tony. If I had a mentor in my life when I was younger life would have been much different and in some ways it would have been much better.

Click HERE to find a mentor(s) in 5 steps

It is said "Money Makes the World Go Around". As such many are looking to tell everyone where to make money. Many of these sites that offer a way to make money are scams. Many sites offer a way to make money if you pay them something for that privilege. My advice is to be very careful. 

Recently my 21 year old son was scammed out of several thousand dollars. I do not know what he got involved in by someone emptied out his checking account. The bank would not and probably could not help him. My advice is if someone has emptied out your account or taken more than they were suppose to take then I would recommend that you notify your local police department and file a report. If the person was outside of your state you might be able to also file a report with the FBI. Unfortunately many times the person or company will be outside the United States and you can just say goodby to the money.

I have one item that will protect you from having your savings account or checking account drained. There is an company online that will make debit cards for you. With that debit card you can limit the amount that someone can take from your account. Sometimes a person will do a subscription to a website or app. It will have a limit as to how many days or months that the subscription is free. Sometimes we forget about the subscription or we may not know how to cancel it and end up getting charged for something we do not want.

War and Peace

From the beginning of time, we have suffered from War and Peace, mostly war. We have war in our cities, in our states, and between countries. In the news, we have war in the Middle East, Northern Europe, and in several countries in Asia. As time has gone forward we have moved from simple knives and clubs to weapons of mass destruction and all sorts of weapons in between. Will all parts of the world ever have full peace? Why do countries go to war with each other? I will let you think about that question. If you can answer it please leave a comment. Organizations have been formed and treaties have been put into place but have any of them worked? Usually, a third party is a negotiator in a peace treaty. We have seen this in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. More often than not one of the parties of peace negotiation is not really happy with the results and sometime in the future, there is another war between nations. Often the United States becomes involved but over the years the U.S. will take sides to try and affect what we believe should be the direction of a nation in the name of democracy. Where does the United States rank on the list of countries that have a democracy? The United States does not have a pure democracy The U.S. has fallen to a 7 on a scale of 10. 

  • Norway leads the Index as the world’s strongest democracy, followed by Iceland and Sweden. New Zealand comes fourth, with Denmark in fifth and Canada and Ireland in joint sixth place. Switzerland, Finland, and Australia round off the top ten of “full democracies.”
  • The 10 most democratic nations in the world (2020):

    1. Norway (9.87)
    2. Iceland (9.58)
    3. Sweden (9.39)
    4. New Zealand (9.26)
    5. Finland (9.25)
    6. Ireland (9.24)
    7. Canada (9.22)
    8. Denmark (9.22)
    9. Australia (9.09)
    10. Switzerland (9.03)

Friday, August 12, 2022



What work do you do today that will be remembered in history? Did you know that what you teach your children can affect world history tomorrow?

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Favorite Season of the year

 What is your favorite season of the year? Is it spring, summer, fall, or winter? Each season seems to offer something different and something different in each location around the world depending on the weather conditions and maybe even how mankind affects the environment in a specific location.

Personally, I would have to say that spring is my favorite season. Spring is my absolute favorite season where I can see new life coming forth with the fields on the hillside coming along with their grass and beautiful flowers in a rainbow of colors. There too is new life in the small animals entering the world in their innocence and playfulness. It just makes me smile from ear to ear knowing that springtime gives hope for the future.

In our time of turmoil in many areas of our cities, states, and countries when we look at our future hope is the key word. Without hope there is nothing. With hope comes faith. For some faith in God for others, it is in the faith of what someone else will do for us or allow us to do for them. Then with hope and faith comes love. Some say money makes the world go around. I say it is love. With love, anything wonderful can happen in our lives. I came across an illustration of this the other day. Our world would be very different if everyone practiced the Golden Rule of doing onto others as you would have them do onto you.

This poster came from Scarboromissions in Canada. To see each golden rule from each source please click on the poster above.

Please click HERE to visit Scarboromissions online.

Click Here to see all the back issues of their magazine.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Healthy Food

How healthy is your eating? I am 75 years old and I must admit that during all those years I seldom ate healthy food. It is time to return to the way people ate in the early 1900s. How did they eat. They did not eat food that they could not pronounce. There are exceptions that may include names of food that are in a foreign language (not English).  No cheating you can not eat unhealthy foods where you learn to pronounce their name. We want to get back to healthy eating of real food.

  1. Do not eat it if you can not pronounce it. Look at the nutrition label for the ingredient list. If there is something in the ingredients you can not pronounce put it back on the shelf. This would include anything anyone born before 1900 would not recognize as being food.
  2. When you look at the ingredients on the label ask yourself if you can buy all of the ingredients somewhere else in the grocery store. If you can not the food you are purchasing is processed food. It most likely is not real food.
  3. Do not eat a food where you can not pronounce the name of the ingredient on the label. There are a few exceptions. If there is only one or two ingredients  go to your smart phone and in your browser type in What is (name of food). If the definition you get is something you recognize it is most likely real food. Recently I found something with a name I did not know. I looked it up and it turned out to be chick peas

To get a lot more information here is a web site that has a lot to offer in the way of eating healthy. The have 3 list or tiers where they list the foods we should eat. Tier one is all the healthy foods.  To save money the foods on tier one should be purchase in season and I find it best in addition to going to the produce section of your store to check out the local farmers markets and you pick opportunities. Tier two is all the foods we can eat but they are not as healthy and one should eat those foods with caution. Now we get to tier three. This is what most of us have been eating. These are also the most expensive foods to purchase Per my personal physician these are foods that can lead to poor health and increased medical cost.. These are foods that also tend to be more expensive.

Visit  90/10 Nutrition and learn one wonderful idea for healthy eating. Also I believe this will greatly lower the amount you spend on food each month.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Protect your Credit/Debit Card Account

 Is your debit card or credit card at risk on the internet? The answer is maybe or maybe yes. Did you know that there is a site that will protect the accounts that are attached to your credit and debit cards. Would you like to limit the amount that a merchant can charge you or would you like to limit a merchant to using your card just one time? Do you want to protect  yourself from trials that you may subscribe to online? I use Privacy. I can limit a purchase to one time or I can limit the amount a merchant can charge me for a purchase. Try it out today and see if you like it. The service is free of charge and you will get $5.00 just to try it.


Wealth Building Secrets from the Bible: The Believer's Journey to a Faithful, Generous, and Financially Free Life 

Click Here to start listening today!

Or you can read or listen on Scribd

Click Here to get firs 2 month of Scribd for free!

Are you stuck in the vicious cycle of paying bills, drowning in debt, and not being able to get ahead?

As a believer, have you been wondering how to build wealth?

Are you searching for God’s way to achieve financial independence?

As a pastor for both small and large churches, Jonathan Geraci has discovered that many believers' struggles come down to how they relate to money. In this audiobook, you will discover a Biblical holistic view on wealth that may surprise you. You will learn how modern financial advisors and the ancient words of scripture agree.

These simple and engaging strategies will teach you Biblical habits for building wealth.

In this audiobook you will discover:

  • How to apply the fruits of the Spirit into your financial life
  • The emotional and spiritual consequences of debt and how to escape!
  • Five money myths that many Christians fall into
  • Four secrets from the Bible for building wealth
  • How to practice "outrageous" generosity

You can turn around your financial life by learning financial habits that are found in scripture. What’s stopping you from applying the Bible to every aspect of your life - including your finances?


Monday, August 8, 2022

 I saw this posted on face book and thought I would share it with you my visitors. Please share this story with your friends. It can make a difference in this world where many forget to love their family members at times and fail to love others as you would like to be loved.

May be an image of 1 person



A son took his father to a restaurant to enjoy a delicious dinner. His father was already quite old, and therefore a little weak. While I was eating, a little bit of food fell on my shirt and pants from time to time. The other diners watched the old man with their faces distorted with sorrow, but his son remained completely calm.
Once they both finished eating, the son, without showing himself even remotely embarrassed, helped his father with absolute peace and took him to the health care. She wiped the food scraps off her wrinkled face, and tried to wash the food stains off her clothes; lovingly combed her gray hair, and finally fixed his glasses.
As I left the bathroom, there was a deep silence in the restaurant. No one could understand how someone could ridicule themselves like that. The son agreed to pay the bill, but before he left, a man, also an old man, got up from the diners, and asked the old man's son, "Don't you think you left something here"
The young man replied, "No, I didn't leave anything." So the stranger said to him:"Yes you left something! You left here a lesson for every child, and a hope for every parent! "The whole restaurant was so quiet, you could hear a pin fall."
One of the greatest honors that exists, is being able to care for those elderly who once cared for us. Our parents, and all those elderly people who sacrificed their lives, with all their time, money and effort for us, deserve our utmost respect.